Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time Travel Tuesday

Join me in a trip back to yester-year! Yep, it's Tuesday. And while there is nothing really exciting about Tuesdays (except book release days), I figured I'd start a Tuesday posting on some flashbacks of my youth. If you'd like to share something, by all means, go post something! I'd love to read your story!

I was watching a membership drive for my local PBS station, and they had a DVD selection of the best of Carol Burnett. They showed some skits and interviews. It was great. I have to say, I loved Carol Burnett. It was all sooo great. So, I have the infamous Went With the Wind skit. It's really long but in it's entirety. Enjoy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Work Excitement

So, it was very exciting at work the other day. I'm a lunch lady at our local High School. I'm working the cash register and halfway thru 2nd lunch a certain Senior student got upset about something. Honestly he's always upset about something...Anyway, he starts yelling at me. Keep in mind he's like 6'2" and probably 200 lbs. I'm not.... He starts getting in my face about something random, and I'm all "My names not Hey!"

He's all "You shut up..."

I'm all, "No, you are not talking to me that way, take your business to my boss...over there,"

He's all " I'll talk to you any way I want...blah blah blah"

Then a couple of minutes later, Sandra a coworker sees a mouse. Yep, I freak! It's a tiny little grey/brown fella, but I'm climbing the walls. Ack!!! For the record, it's not easy to run a register, and do dishes, from the top of a chair....

So what does that say about me, that I wasn't scared of 200 lbs of angry teenage male, but completely freaked out by a tiny mouse.

Then Michelle, another coworker says she has seen a mouse too, only hers is black and has no tail....zoinks! and double zoinks!!