Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Winter Reading Challenge

Well, it's that time again! The Winter Reading Challenge has begun! Yay! It's were I read 15 books whose titles meet certain criteria..(like A title with a "D" word for December...) It's a lot of fun. I mostly (ok, pretty much only read romance!) so all my titles are romance titles. I'm trying some new authors, recommended by the gals on shelfari, so we'll see how that goes. I'm trying for all fifteen, and trying to finish 6 by the end of December so I can have met a goal to read 100 books in 2008! I was way ahead of schedule, but now that I'm working...I'm falling behind. Hmm! Go figure! :)

If you are interested in my book list for the Winter Challenge or are interested in reading romance feel free to check out my other blog http://justyouraveragecarpoolqueen.blogspot.com/

That blog is almost entirely devoted to book reviews and some of my reading challenges.

So, Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to read I go! (skips off with an armload of books whistling)